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An Inspirational Letter from a Hemp Fashion Design Company

Hemp Fashion and Design

We received an amazing letter from a hemp fashion designer customer of ours and would LOVE to share it with you here.

Our intent is that you will get inspired and see the benefits and value of hemp textiles for the world of Design and Fashion!

Discover Hemp Fashion

Hemp Dress with Computer

I’m Herbert Victoria, an apparel designer from San Francisco. I have a current collection using hemp as the lead textile in each ensemble. Why I chose Hemp was because it’s completely natural.

The irony of being an apparel designer is that I’m very environmentally conscious, yet I know apparel is a very wasteful and harmful industry.

The amount of textiles made, clothing produced, dyes used takes a huge effect on our environment and energy. In addition, being a very unpredictable and fast industry where everyone doesn’t buy everything, sometimes designers are left with a lot of useless clothing. I wanted to avoid that going into production.

Because of the state of our environment today, I took great deal in researching sustainability and I find that many apparel companies, at least in more developed countries, are making the move in creating sustainable fashion and I knew I wanted to take part.

Because I’m emerging I’m not producing at large volume nor at a high demand, however, there were many environmentally safe directives I took starting off.

One example was bathtub hand dying. Though it still took large amounts of water, it drastically cut the cost of energy not running a huge hot water, washing machine.

Another example was limiting my collection where there are only a certain amount of clothing available instead of making it for reorder. Thus, hopefully as the brand grows I can keep these efforts and not lose the integrity moving into larger production.

Hemp Fashion Designer Herbert Victoria

Why I Chose, Hemp Was From the Research.

There are many, natural fabrics that are sustainable; however, the primary reason I like hemp is that it’s a plant.

We don’t know in fact if animals are harmed or not when their fur is taken and made into textiles unless you’re literally at the location to see where the fibers are being harvested and manufactured.

Generally designers don’t care, they just want nice fabrics. Thus, my effort was to find a fabric to use that doesn’t come from an animal. For me, hemp was the answer!

Further is its characteristics, it’s comfort, how it becomes softer when worn, and it’s recovery.

For me, hemp is fairly new to the apparel industry but it’s vastly growing because of the efforts of sustainability and I hope it could even replace cotton being the primary source in textiles.

In addition, hemp being a plant means the fabric is biodegradable and recyclable.

Clothing that hasn’t been sold or worn could easily be recycled and remade into something different.

What the future holds for hemp I predict… I think textile designers will develop innovative ways to beautify hemp by creating different textures such as satin hemp, sued hemp, glazed hemp, and many other characteristics that haven’t been seen yet.

Hence, I believe hemp can revolutionize the apparel industry and innovate sustainability around the globe.

I’m happy to be a hemp user and plan to continue to use this amazing fiber in many future collections. Please feel free to check out our latest line on our website:

All the best,

Herbert Victoria

Instagram & Twitter – @hvictoria00

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