Hemp Seed Oil Comparison Chart
How does Hemp Seed Oil Compare to Other Popular Nutritional Oils
Omega 3, 6, 9 |
Omega 3, 6 |
Omega 3, 6 |
Omega Oil is the ideal 1:3 ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acid, with natural occurring Omega 9 – easy to digest and utilize! | Excellent source of Omega 3… low in Omega 6. | 4:1 ratio Omega 3 to Omega 6 EFA’s. Not in an ideal ratio for human body needs. Can create challenges with long term use. |
Perfect raw materials for the bodies own processing of Omega 3 and Omega 6 into DHA and EPA – which the human body naturally does… just like fish when given the proper tools. Is high carbon and radiation sequestering. |
Is an excellent source of EPA and DHA which the animal naturally converts by eating the raw materials and letting the body do its work. Potentially contaminated with methyl mercury, dioxins, polychlorinated biophenyls (PCB’s) and radiation from Fukushima. |
Good raw materials for the bodies own processing of Omega 3 and Omega 6 into DHA and EPA – which the human body naturally does… just like fish when given the proper tools. Is somewhat carbon and radiation sequestering. |
Allergens |
Allergens |
Allergens |
Omega Hemp Seed Oil naturally contains stearidonic acid (SDA) which easily converts to EPA and DHA and has no enzyme inhibitors like grains, legumes or nuts and is very easy to digest for humans. | EPA & DHA found only in Fish Oil. Body gets lazy from not having to make its own. Toxic load is directly related to allergen symptoms. | Conversion ALA to EPA is inefficient and flax has known phytates which can cause a build up of toxins and allergic reactions with prolonged use. |
Hemp is the most sustainable plant resource on earth. |
The FDA has recently banned fish products from Japan and the Fukushima dilemma is far from going away. The Pacific Ocean is now all in question as a food supply of any kind. |
Flax like hemp is an amazing plant for many reasons… Hemp just has more recorded uses and durability. |