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0.5inch 0.5mm 0.6mm 1 Gallon 1 Kilo 1 Liter 1.25inch 1.5inch 1000 Liter 10lb 10lb Sample 10ml 10mm 10oz 11oz 12oz 13oz 14oz 150 Microns 15oz 16oz 17oz 19oz 1inch 1lb 1mm 2 oz 20ft 20mm 20oz 250 Microns 250ml 25lb 2mm 2oz 30mm 3mm 3oz 40lb 45lb 45lbs 4ft 4mm 4oz 5 Gallon 50lb 55 Gallon 5lb 5lb Sample 5mm 5oz 6mm 6oz 7oz 8mm 8oz 9oz Extra Extra Large Extra Extra Small Extra Large Large Large-Extra Large Long FIber Medium Short Bast FIber Short Fiber Small Small-Medium Supersac Yard Sample
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Hemp Hurd for Hempcrete
Showing all 8 resultsSorted by popularity
HempCrete Binder – 40lb Contractor Bag
Hemp Hurd Compressed Bale | Animal Bedding or HempCrete 2.5 Cubic Feet
Hemp Hurd Compressed Bale | Hemp Animal Bedding HempCrete or Mulch – 30lbs
Hemp Hurd for Building Applications
If you want to work with USA hemp hurd for your next hempcrete project, we’ve got you covered.
What is HempCrete?
Hempcrete is very simple and easy to work with. It consists of a mixture of hemp hull, lime binder, and water.
You mix it up and can make one of the world’s most amazing sustainable, fire-resist, pest-resistant insulation products on earth.
Why HempCrete is so important?
Toxic building syndrome is a real thing, and hemp is an essential solution to building healthier homes.
If you need supersac pallets of hemp hurd, or truckloads of hemp hurd, or just want to experiment with smaller amounts, we’ve got you covered.
On this page, you will find all of the best hemp hurd fiber for sale that contractors and builders have used to erect hempcrete homes and structures around the world.
What is hemp hurd?
Well, two types of fiber come from the hemp stalk: hemp hurd fiber, and hemp bast fiber.
The hurd fiber is the inner core woody-like fiber that is rich in cellulose and other amazing properties such as thermal insulation, and antibacterial and antimicrobial properties as well!
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