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Hemp Pet Food Recipes

The Nutritional Benefits of Hemp for Pets: Best Foods to Make for Your Pets

Did you know that, according to Grand View Research, the size of the industrial hemp market is expected to be $12.01 billion by the year 2028? And yet, not many people know the benefits of hemp for pets. This is expected to occur with a compounded annual growth rate of 16.2% between 2021 and 2028.

Considering how popular hemp is becoming, it’s no surprise that the market is growing so quickly. Additionally, it’s not just people who are using hemp. Pets are too.

As a product formulator or food business owner making products for dogs or other pets, you might be wondering about providing hemp pet food options at your store.


However, you might not know much about hemp. This can be stressful, as you want to know as much as possible about what you’re putting in your pet foods.


Fortunately, in this article, we’ll review the nutritional benefits of hemp food for small dogs, large dogs, and pets alike. Read on to learn more.


Essential Fatty Acids for Joint Health


According to WebMD, hemp seed oil has essential fatty acids, which include gamma-linolenic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, and linoleic acid. These essential fatty acids help with joint health. So if you want to provide animal feed that helps animals with joint issues, you can use hemp seed oil.


Hemp Protein for a Shiny Fur Coat


Something many animal owners look for in commercial feed products is ingredients that promote a shiny fur coat. You can provide this to your customers by putting hemp protein in your animal food products. This is because hemp protein helps with fur health.


Easily Digestible


If pet owners aren’t sure about hemp treats or food because they’re worried their pet might have issues digesting it, you can reassure them by letting them know that the hemp in your pet food is digestible. This is because it contains easily digestible protein.


Vegetarian/Vegan Friendly – Plant-based


Some pet owners also look for food that’s vegetarian or vegan. This is another benefit of hemp pet food, as it’s non-meat-based and plant-based, making it vegetarian/vegan friendly. Pet owners can buy this food without having to worry about compromising their values.




Another benefit of hemp food products for pets is that they’re protein-rich. For animals who require a large amount of protein in their diet, this can be a great choice. In fact, hemp seeds are considered to be a “complete protein.”


This is because they have the ideal ratio of amino acids and essential oils.


A single tablespoon of hemp seeds has 11 grams of protein. Additionally, hemp has more protein than chia or flax, 50% to 75% more.


Hemp protein flour, which is sifted and has less fiber than the seeds, will still be high in protein. So whether you’re including hemp seeds or hemp protein flour in the hemp foods you create for dogs and pets, they’ll be rich in protein.

Benefits of Hemp for Pets

Strengthens the Immune System


Another benefit of hemp is that it strengthens the immune system of canines. Whatever age their pets are or whatever their health issues, the protein in hemp can help bolster the immune system, making it easier for dogs to fight off any threats to their health.


Supports a Healthy Weight


Hemp protein supports dogs in having a healthy weight. If any of your customers have a dog that’s struggling to lose or put on weight, food that has hemp protein in it can help their furry friend reach a weight that’s the healthy amount for them.


Combined with an increase in energy (which we’ll review in the next section), a dog is certain to have a healthy weight with the right balance of nutrition and exercise that hemp brings about.


Increases Energy


Hemp protein also increases the energy of dogs. If a dog owner is having trouble getting their pet to exercise, this can help increase their energy so they exercise again, which will be beneficial for their overall health. 

Additionally, if an owner has an older dog, this can put a bit more spring in their step, which can help aid their health later in life.


Improves Skin, Fur, and Coat Condition


Another benefit of hemp protein is that it improves the skin condition of the dogs that take it. So if you want to serve customers whose dogs have skin conditions or allergies that cause them to have skin issues, this can help those dogs with those issues.


Additionally, hemp protein is good for the condition of the coat, among all the other benefits of hemp for pets.


High in Fiber Content


Hemp seeds are high in fiber, as they are mostly composed of lignin, hemicellulose, and cellulose. When these fibers go through the digestive tract, they might improve the absorption of nutrients that are beneficial.


They are also known to potentially improve the digestive process.


Fiber helps in stabilizing movements, which helps pets that have health issues, such as irregular bowel movements, diarrhea, or constipation.

Bulk Hemp Seeds, Oil & Protein

Want to Buy Hemp Pet Food Product Ingredients now that you know the Benefits of Hemp for Pets?


Now that you’ve learned about the nutritional benefits to small dogs, large dogs, and other pets that come with hemp pet foods, you might want to buy hemp pet product ingredients to create a unique, high-quality hemp-based food for your customers’ pets.

At Bulk Hemp Warehouse, our hemp foods are USA & Canadian Sourced and provide an excellent solution for your product formulas.

We offer several bulk hemp food options, including hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, hemp protein powder, and hemp. We can also answer any questions you might have about using hemp in your products.

To learn more about our hemp food and hemp protein products for you and your pets, check them out now.

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