4 Ways Hemp Can Make you A Better Entrepreneur

4 Ways Hemp Will Make You a Better Hemp Entrepreneur

If you’re not a hemp entrepreneur yet, we hope this brief post will inspire you to become one.

With the internet, newspapers and news channels spreading awareness about industrial hemp (whether positive or negative) many young and old entrepreneurs are turning to hemp to be more innovative, different and strengthen their brand, products and company!

In this short blog you will learn about four ways any entrepreneur will start benefiting from integrating industrial hemp materials and services into their product line, or business operations!

Paul Von Hartmann's Hemptrepreneur Blazer (Hemp Entrepreneur)

If you are reading this you are most likely an entrepreneur or you’d like to start creating and designing your own company, product or lifestyle brand!

Hemp really has the qualities and characteristics of abundance, prosperity and is a crucial and essential tool to give you the ability to let your inner boss guide you through success!

My job – right now – is to hempower you with the knowledge and information you need to serve your customers, family and community and be a better, stronger, wiser entrepreneur with hemp!

Enjoy these four tips to not only make you a better entrepreneur but an empowered Hemptrepreneur!

1. Opens Doors of Opportunity

Now this could easily be perceived as a distraction and this is often the case with many hemp entrepreneurs – but it really comes down to the individual taking action – RIGHT NOW – to implement and harness the opportunities that arise as a result of being in the hemp industry.

So just know that no matter what field of work you are in, there is something that you can do today to integrate hemp into what you are doing.

If you are a musician maybe you can start using hemp shirts for the band, or if you are a chef start using hemp foods in your recipes more; maybe you are a lawyer, you might think “there’s nothing a lawyer could do to integrate hemp.”

Well the reality is not only could lawyers start working for the benefit of humanity by representing the hemp plant for its god-given divine nature to be a source for food shelter and clothing.

Which reminds me – a lawyer might also want a custom tailored hemp suit to wear while creatively battling the injustice of the cannabis plant while utilizing hemp paper for all her cases!

2. Boosts Your Environmental Responsibility

Entrepreneurs and businesses want to be perceived as responsible, ethical and a benefit to the community while not polluting the world.

Many businesses ARE taking responsibility for the current state of the planet and they are doing something about it in their day to day operations. This is how a global change is going to take place.

Each person, and ultimately each company (which is just a group of people) will be the catalyst for how we operate in relationship to Mother Earth.

Integrating hemp into your company is an automatic credibility booster!

As more and more people become educated about the benefits and value of hemp versus other crops and materials like dirty, blood-stained, air-polluting petrochemical based products or even cotton, which is depleting our top soil and destroying our waterways due to chemical pollutants ie: fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides etc..

So just know that the more hemp you integrate into your company, product line or business you are easily living up to the standards that are being established by the environmental leaders!

3. Personal, Local & Global Economic Growth

I saw a story the other day about a few people being imprisoned for printing their own currency. I’m not sure to what extent this group was operating or why they were imprisoned; isn’t the Federal Reserve Note doing great as a currency?

I can’t see why anyone would want to develop a new currency or why they would be violently attacked for doing such a thing.

None-the-less, we can all work together and combine the many forms of valuable exchange and share our *Ex.T.R.A. (Expertise, Talents, Resources & Abilities).

The vision and mission at are to provide access to the knowledge, information, tools, and marketing principles as it relates to hemp and we are honored to offer you the quality raw and finished bulk hemp materials and goods for your products, projects, company, and lifestyle!

4. Get Inspired by Other Hemp Entrepreneurs!

You will seriously be blown away at how many hemp entrepreneurs there are in this world and how many who have come and gone that were some of the most memorable and transformational characters in the storybooks.

Here is a not-nearly exhausted list of Entrepreneurs and Leaders that worked with and proclaimed the righteousness of hemp!

  • George Washington
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Christopher Columbus
  • Henry Ford
  • Jack Herer
  • Willie Nelson
  • Ziggy Marley
  • Ron Paul
  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Masaru Emoto
  • Woody Harrelson

If you can think of any other hemp entrepreneurs that have inspired you or that might inspire others please put it in the comments section!

Just to give you an idea George Washington was noted for writing in his journal to “make the most of the hemp seed and sew it everywhere!”

Thomas Jefferson is known for saying, “Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth and protection of the country.”

What are some of your favorite hemp quotes from leaders who have shared the truth and rights about hemp?

Feel free to leave your comments or questions below…

*ExTRA is an acronym that was shared with me in the early 2000’s by D.B. at AnyBody’s Earth Press and  AnyBody C.A.N. Make Change!

Discover more about the Hemp Entrepreneurial Life at!

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